1.2.3 A.B.C Rock, Paper, Scissors Challenge Game!

I did a project where you had the numbers a had, if you 1,2,3 you got first, second, third. It was a fate, I made the chances like Rock, Paper, Scissors it’s all in the fate of what’s next within the micro-bit.

What I found easy in this project was what numbers, or what you were going to do to match up the game to make it like rock, paper, scissors, but kind of like a simulator of the game.What I found hard were how to find out how to randomize the game of it. So the number was not the same every time. To make my own game was about 15 minutes at the most but to do the tutorial was about 25 to 30 minutes because you had to follow every little detail their was you had to follow every thing. I feel like the importance of coding is that lots of jobs require knowing how to code can get you into lots of jobs like creating a new video game or app with a company.

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Settings app!

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